Friday, May 27, 2011

Experiment 01; 05.25.11 - the update.

I'll learn to post my experiments and shenanigans in a better, clearer manner later.


So.. those.. brownies.. I posted about them yesterday.

I'm sure a couple people have been curious. That yogurt sure looks uh.. creamy Ness, but screw that - show me the goddamn brownies'
Well fine. FIENDS.

So I may or may not be a bad diabetic today >.> .. cause these really .. uh.. may or may not taste.. mm.. pretty damn good.. I mean, what kind of cook dosn't TRY what she makes? right? You dont learn otherwise!



Anyhow. I cut a corner piece- not always the best part (see the sacrifices I make for you?, I didnt even take a good middle bit)
I took time and sugared that up; the effect wasn't really that pretty; I took a snap of a better middle portion brownie; but for the sake of the betus and warring with my own lust for sugary chocolate things; I opted to leave it unsugared; snapped a shot or two and put it back in the bin with the rest of its mates. This /is/ for my grammas birthday party after all.

(I will shamelessly admit I have been thinking about these brownies since we made them >.>)

but anyhow - they are tasty - the brownie portion was a little dry - this may be due to a few things:
I left them out a little long in the baking process
I didnt seal the pan enough when I put it away
Baked too long.
The caramel does add a certain unexpected 'omfgurgsjbkgl' affect when you reach it. The nuts I didnt find made any difference - but then again we didnt buy any pecans; we kind of half assed assorted nuts into this.

But - here. Have some pictures; just two. That caramel gets all smoogly real fast.

A lowly end portion; sacrificed in the name of experimental gustatory pleasures.

LOOK at that.. .. gooey.. nmomhm fskjdfjsldkfjsdf,,,fjsj

BTW. Drink milk with this. Or some milk product. (Plain almond milk was delish with this.  >.> just sayen.)

Trust me.