Thursday, June 16, 2011

Try not to forget the Simples >.>

Oh hai.

It's been an interesting few days; and not in the kitchen. I figured I'd update what the haps were as I sat here eating a simple lunch. Updates and experiments may become sparse for a little while. This is why:


Yeah. Thats a kiddo >.> The bun was finally done at 231am June 11. :P
She's healthy, im ok, dad is going insane.

(really, hes ok too.)

And just cause I had a moment, (yeah I did.) here's todays lunch; cause you have to make time for the simple things in life:

Strawberries, homemade Yogurt-Cheese, and peanut butter and bread. Hell yes.
Put it in the mouth hole.


  1. Love... you should change your "About Me" ... you dont have a kid on the way anymore!


  2. She so cute!

    And om nom nom on the lunch!
