Saturday, March 24, 2012

Experiment 12: LOOK AT MY BALLS.


I never really thought I'd ever be able to really SAY that phrase and still keep it in a semi serious context.

(I mean really, look at who we're talking about here. You'll see what I mean shortly.)

So this week, really this MONTH has been a real lesson in adaptation. Recent developments at work has made it happen that I became a stay-at-home-mum for the moment. Being ill-prepared for such a switch; hooo! Let me tell you. Shit got (gets) all kinds of wild.

Not to mention this weeks bronchitis breakout. If there was ever a time I knew how to juggle things. Super sick hubbasaur, a sick self and a wriggly jellyfish of a nine month old. Woo!

Finally on the mend here, thankfully.

So, balls. Adaptation. I'd love to say I went out and obtained bull balls for some kind of bizarre soup (bizarre for this house) or something. Nope. Pretty sure my husband would have had a few choice words for that venture.

In fact, i'll ask.

"Hey Husband, can I get some Bull balls?"
"?? What?"
"Can I get some bull balls?"
"What? NO."


So; this evening, amidst the squalling demands of my kiddo for her dinner - she is quite loud in her complaints- I gazed at my fridge.

Humm.. ground turkey..
some pasta roni. I guess.

I had the notion of making turkey burgers. Hey shut up - I LIKE those. Beef is so greasy. I only had a wee portion of bird there though. Then it hit me. Meat balls!

Then I noticed I had a container of Monterey Jack shredded . STUFFED MEAT BALLS.


Mind you, I have never. NEVER made meat balls, much less stuffed cheese into any kind of meat.

I spiced it, (thinking I was making burgers) with dried chili pepper, paprika, ginger, soy sauce, spinach leaves (coaursely chopped).

No, I don't have measurements - I wing it with that kind of stuff. Do it "to taste".

I then made balls. which I poked a wad (tehe) of mushed up mashed up squished bits of pre shredded Monterey Jack.

Look at um. oh yeah.
I did a test ball first. lolololo

I fried it and later it's brethren in olive oil in my wonky but serviceable frying pan. No pics of the frying - my camera is not allowed near hot oil ok.

Keeping it green and healthy.

I really couldn't stop myself from looking at this thing; with its little tendril of cheese.. and hear those words. A la David Attenborough.

Den I cut dat ball. ALL DAT GOOEY CHEESE.
A bowl full of balls.

ArtsyFartsy plating shot. thing. ahahaha

My kid enjoyed this. Rather, she enjoyed getting every where.

Really, she devoured it. The balls I well, ball really. I minced it up for her; and gave her some noodles.

The meal in general was a success; though the balls were a touch dry,. Namely from my horror of serving my family undercooked turkey.

This got the Hubbasaur Grunting Seal of Approval for a repeat. ahahah

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